If you are currently using MySQL for your ASSP be sure to disable it fully before setting up BerkeleyDB. Open ASSP WHM INTERFACE MySQL SETUP and disable MySQL. Now go to console and execute this
Open your console and execute following command which will install BerkeleyDB 6.2.38 in /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.5.3 and the BerkeleyDB Perl module for your ASSP Perl
Open the ASSP WHM INTERFACE and click STOP ASSP. Once your ASSP is fully stopped execute this to configure ASSP to use BerkeleyDB
Open the ASSP WHM INTERFACE and click START ASSP. Your ASSP should start correctly and you should see a new menu in your ASSP WHM INTERFACE as shown below.
note: If you will upgrade Perl used by ASSP you should reinstall BerkeleyDB module in this way